Month: July 2016

Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry Journal: “it’s a little spooky, yet fascinating, to learn that our smartphones also can tell if we’re feeling ill or sad”

The OBH Sense 360 smartphone app was featured in July’s edition of the Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry journal. We explained how the project will initially involve collecting lots of passive and patient-reported data, and then using machine learning analysis to find out which measures could be used to predict health and wellbeing. The work is funded by a £100,000 grant from Innovate UK.

The project is the first to correlate patient reported outcomes, passive data from sensors and machine learning. Our hope is that it will be used to help move healthcare commissioning from focusing on processes of care, to valuing the outcomes that matter most to patients.

You can read the whole article here.

OBH featured in TeleMedicine Magazine

Telemedicine Magazine included an article on OBH in their series focusing on the growing trend of doctors getting involved with healthcare startups. Rupert, OBH CEO, explained that during his time as a GP he was ‘frustrated that we were terrible at understanding whether we are making a difference to people’s lives in a systematic way”.

He ended with some sound advice for aspiring medical entrepeneurs: “if you’re having these [entrepreneurial] ideas early, listen to them. There are lots of people who are very unhappy in medicine, and even though they are doing wonderful jobs, their skills could very well be deployed elsewhere”.

Read the rest of the story here.

Westminster Health Forum Keynote Seminar: Improving diabetes outcomes: personalisation, innovation and rolling out the Diabetes Prevention Programme

Rupert spoke at the Westminster Health Forum (WHF), which was titled ‘Improving diabetes outcomes: personalisation, innovation and rolling out the Diabetes Prevention Programme’. The WHF regularly hold events bringing together policymakers and healthcare stakeholder to collaborate on health policy. Rupert shared a stage with clinicians and policy makers, and discussed ways to promote earlier diagnosis, provide more consistent care and how we can use data to improve outcomes in people with diabetes.

OBH @ Digital Health Summit and Exhibition

The Digital Health Summit is an annual event that aims to exhibit how the latest technologies are transforming health care and how embracing digital innovations can help healthcare leaders deliver for patients.

We were delighted to meet so many tech-savvy health enthusiasts, and it was great to hear about about some of the incredible innovations that are soon to be available! The summit highlighted the fact that ‘while 70% of flights are booked online and banking customers access smartphone apps 7,600 times a minute, only 2% of patients have had any digital interaction with NHS services.’