Month: March 2017

NHSE Vanguards Conference: Sharing the learning with Stockport Together Vanguard

This event focused on sharing the learning coming out of the multidisciplinary community providers (MCPs) and primary and acute care systems (PACS) new care model vanguards. It looked at what is working well and what can be replicated in other areas around the United Kingdom.

In a packed session on sharing the learning, CEO and founder, Dr Rupert Dunbar-Rees spoke alongside Dr Cath Briggs, Stockport Together’s Clinical Lead about the development of Stockport Together’s Outcomes Framework. They discussed what we’ve learnt by working on the Stockport Together programme – a project to create better health and care outcomes for the people of Stockport, including a detailed view of whole-population segmentation in Stockport, and the approach to outcome selection and baselining.

The slides are available at:

Digital Catapult Roundtable

In March, OBH attended a roundtable hosted by the Digital Catapult. Attendees were senior industry leaders, entrepreneurs, and commentators on private medical insurance and financial products in the UK supporting digital health and care to debate:

  • barriers to innovation
  • factors that might boost market development
  • conditions necessary for the UK to play a leading role in digital health and care

Why should you be interested in digital health?

  • digital health and care can allow people to control their health by using their own data to prevent disease or manage conditions
  • it is in our best interest to encourage this shift to prevention and monitoring so that we can help people stay healthy and reduce the costs of health and social care

OBH invited to the Government Office for Science: Algorithms for Health Workshop

Our co-founder and CTO, Nasrin was invited to join the roundtable discussion at the ‘Algorithms, Data and Regulation Workshop’ hosted by the Government Offie for Science. The event was co-chaired by Sir Mark Walport (Chief Scientific Adviser to HM Government) and Sir Michael Rawlins (Chair of MHRA). The event brought together experts and stakeholders in national health data, algorithm development and medical device regulation, for a rich discussion in the future of medicine relating to data access and governance.

Machine learning algorithms have great potential to disrupt healthcare – efficiently identifying patterns in large volumes of data and providing new insight to clinicians. They discussed the challenges that algorithms pose in terms of medical device regulation, and the data access requirements to train, validate and deploy them in the NHS. In theory, the NHS – being one of the largest unified health systems globally, is well-placed to become a world-leader in the field due to the abundance of data it has access to. It is however essential that regulation keeps up with technological innovation to ensure this data is used safely, appropriately and ethically.

We were delighted to be able to contribute to this important and evolving discussion.