Month: April 2017

OBH move back to the Kings Fund

We’ve had a great time at Headspace, Farringdon – working amongst exciting tech companies across a range of sectors. We are now continuing the OBH journey back at The King’s Fund (where OBH first started!) – to get closer to many of our partners in the world of healthcare. A trip to Ikea to furnish our new office resulted in a mammoth DIY team-building exercise. We’ve now settled in nicely with shiny new furniture and only a handful of nuts and bolts unaccounted for. We can’t wait to crack on with the next step in the OBH story.

Social Innovation at the Call & Check Conference

Call & Check is an innovative, yet simple service developed by the island of Jersey’s postal service – Jersey Post. Postmen and women provide a regular visit for individuals who would benefit from a little extra support. They can relay a message, raise concerns or merely offer a helping hand to people in need. The initiative has been so well-received that 9,000 islanders are now caring for people – and there has been interest in replicating the scheme from the Finnish Postal Service and the Henry Ford institute of Detroit.

Our CEO and founder, Dr Rupert Dunbar-Rees, spoke at a Call & Check conference on how we can best use outcomes measures to measure those things that matter to vulnerable populations, including  outcomes such as the reduction of isolation and loneliness.