Month: June 2017

Health Plus Care Conference 2017

Dr Rupert Dunbar-Rees, CEO/founder, spoke to a strong 100+ group at the Clinical Commissioning Theatre on ‘New approaches to contracting for whole population-based, outcomes focussed services’. Diving into the detail and sharing case studies where OBH have supported commissioners on segmentation approaches, the difference between segmentation and risks stratification, and why we must think about segmenting populations by similar needs. Continuing the standardised (locally configurable) approach OBH have developed, Rupert shared the challenges around linking datasets and measuring outcomes, giving commissioners and providers the baseline data they need to create their outcomes-based contracts and monitor improvement.

Silicon Valley tech trade mission as part of the Mayor’s International Business Programme

As part of the Mayor’s International Business Programme, Nasrin was selected to go on a tech trade mission as part of the SVC2UK programme. A group of 15 female founders and entrepreneurs scaling their businesses.

Meetings with leaders in some of the largest tech companies in the world such Apple Healthcare, Google X, Kiva, Slack, Twitter, Instagram as well as numerous VCs were organised. Nasrin described an inspirational, energy fuelled experience that broke the bounds of the opportunities that cutting edge technology is creating in meeting the needs and expectations of patients, in delivering care that improves people’s lives.

Read more about Nasrin’s experience here: