Month: November 2017

NIA Summit and Launch 2017 – Best Participant Award !

OBH CEO Dr Rupert Dunbar-Rees was selected as an NIA Fellow in 2016. He was invited to attend this year’s NIA Summit and Launch where the new fellows were annouced, forming a full cohort of 25, where Rupert also won the prestigious award of Best Participant! We’re extremely proud of Rupert and OBH’s work since being selected into the NIA. Rupert joined a panel advising the new fellows on critical success factors in scaling their innovations. This year’s fellows are spearheading innovations in mental health, urgent and emergency care, and primary care. We look forward to following their journeys.

Since being selected by the NIA, OBH has: gained supplier status on G-Cloud 9, travelled to Brazil as part of the NHS Digital trade mission and Hospitalar Conference, worked with a leading global pharmaceutical/life sciences company to develop outcomes-based commissioning solutions, secured our first US client, and secured a £150K Innovate UK grant for a ‘Real World Outcomes’ project.

Nasrin selected as the Female Lead and Women in Data’s ‘Twenty in Data and Technology’

We are incredibly proud of our CTO and co-founder, Nasrin, who has been selected as one of The Female Lead and Women in Data’s ‘Twenty in Data and Technology’!

The Female Lead and Women in Data have collaborated this year to produce their ‘Twenty in Data and Technology’ campaign. They highlight the breadth of female achievement within the UK data industry and showcase success stories to encourage women working in Data Science to aspire and progress throughout their careers and inspire the next generation. The ‘Twenty in Data and Technology’ was previewed and showcased at the Women in Data UK 2017 event in November.

“I love the power of data in finding things that are currently unknown. Especially in healthcare data, there is a lot of data we collect at the point of care. There is vast amount of information that we collect and use continuously and passively in-between GP or hospital visits that could be really insightful to understanding medicine.” – Dr Nasrin Hafezparast

The collaboration features portraits and interviews with each of the 20 data luminaries. Read more on Nasrin’s profile here.


Doctorpreneurs start-up school

Our co-founder and CTO, Nasrin, who is a medical doctor by background, was recently invited as a panellist to the Doctorpreneurs start-up school. The event was aimed at entrepreneurial doctors, medical students and others interested in healthcare entrepreneurship, health technology, and innovation. The start-up school is centred on sharing advice and key insights from successful doctors turned entrepreneurs. Nasrin spoke on bringing digital health product ideas to market, how to evaluate the market, define the problem, and barriers she faced in her journey.

For more information, see here.

EHI Live: the UK’s largest eHealth exhibition

EHI Live is a prominent event for digital health and healthcare innovation and we were grateful to present there this year. Rupert spoke to a crowd of CIOs, CEOs, and Board Members, on segmentation and analytics to understand population level outcomes and value.

For successful outcomes based approaches, we need to identify groups of people with similar needs because different population groups need to be responded to in different ways. Getting this segmentation right allows you to achieve the best health outcomes and minimize health care costs – something we pride ourselves in at OBH!