Month: May 2018

Juliana speaks at UK e-Health Week 2018

Presenting at this year’s UK e-Health week was our COO Juliana, speaking to the subject of “Owning it: by the people for the people, are value based care systems possible?”

Discussing crucial matters surrounding value based systems, Juliana highlighted how the current national frameworks were not designed for outcomes based commissioning, often using only single care setting datasets, with annual aggregate figures, that often have a long timelag to publication. To succeed in outcomes based models, we need to use local linked datasets across all care settings, and provide an independent view of that information to all providers. Outcomes based commissioning is possible, but only if a single definition of value is agreed upon.

Still skeptical about outcomes? Read our Outcomes Myths to debunk some other outcome misconceptions and understand our take on them.

OBH top 10 finalist for Pfizer Healthcare Hub!

We are delighted to have been chosen by Pfizer as a top 10 finalist in their second year of the ‘Healthcare Hub’. The Healthcare Hub is dedicated to supporting digital healthcare and achieving better health outcomes in the UK – just like us! We are very excited about this opportunity and what it could hold for the future of OBH, stay tuned!

Rupert at the Westminister Health Forum on the future of payment systems in healthcare

This latest Westminster Health Forum Keynote Seminar was tackling ‘Priorities for improving payment systems and reimbursement in healthcare’.

Talking about payment for outcomes, Rupert spoke to the topic of ‘Priorities for tariff system reform: appropriate incentives, data use and developing independent oversight’. Rupert described how we need a future currency which expands across the care cycle, with mandatory outcomes monitoring and preferably an element of payment for outcomes. Only focusing on outcome measurement for single conditions ignores the ‘healthy’ segment of our population and misses the opportunity to focus on keeping them healthy! Outcomes are a stable currency and a payment mechanism that actually fosters innovation.

With the day being centred on improving payment systems, it was an excellent opportunity for us to showcase our work. At OBH we are changing the way healthcare is paid for. We are committed to supporting sustainable healthcare, and transforming the way healthcare measures and funds success, to those things that matter to people, and our Outcomes Platform lets us do just that. OBH’s Digital Outcomes Platform enables powerful insights into outcomes data through intuitive visualisations of outcomes data for dynamic populations. To read more about it, see here.

Rupert speaks at LaingBuisson Social Care Conference

LaingBuisson, health and social care market intelligence providers, recently hosted their annual Social Care Conference. Rupert was a panellist on the topic “Outcomes-based commissioning – is this the future for publicly funded, outsourced services?” With many attendees consisting of senior policy makers, providers, regulators, and investors, we were happy to be in good company, engaging in conversations important to us.