Data analysis using the National Bridges to Health Segmentation Dataset was published in Nature Medicine this week. This was the culmination of several years of collaborative work between an impressive team including NHS England, OBH, NHS Arden & GEM CSU, Imperial College London, University of Leicester, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI). 

The key questions the study sought to answer were:

  • Are people with diabetes more likely to have multiple LTCs?
  • Does diabetes accelerate the onset of developing MLTCs?
  • How long are people living with diabetes-related MLTCs, and do these people die earlier?

A three-state Markov model was applied to the National Segmentation Dataset to calculate age of onset for combinations of LTCs with and without diabetes as well as years of life spent with MLTCs and years of life lost.

View a summary infographic showing the analysis, results and implications

Read the full Nature Medicine paper