OBH has become a supplier on the G-Cloud 14 framework. G-Cloud is the UK Government’s digital marketplace that helps the NHS and local authorities procure cloud-based technology and digital services.
OBH offers cutting-edge population health management data products and analytics services. OBH’s Segmentation Engine, Segmentation Dataset and associated data products provide an essential, core backbone for population health management, service planning, design and evaluation, for any local NHS organisation, and their health and care partners.
Products available include both the National Segmentation Dataset, with options to upgrade this with local GP data through this G-Cloud framework, as well as a Local Segmentation Dataset.
The National Segmentation Dataset features a 7+ year longitudinal period of data, with monthly granularity. It is refreshed regularly with the latest data. It includes 6 core segments (including the healthy/generally well population cohort), and 59 subsegments/conditions. It takes into account population dynamics such as births and deaths in the entire period.
The National Segmentation Dataset is available to ICBs, and other NHS organisations for their GP registered populations through the Federated Data Platform (FDP). It can also be ‘upgraded’ with local data, for example data from GP practices, on local infrastructure (such as an instance of FDP).
G-Cloud 14 is live from 9 November 2024.
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