About Additional Characteristics
The Additional Characteristics are a collection of conditions, groups of conditions and risk factors that are independent of the segments and subsegments that form the Bridges to Health segmentation model. Many of the conditions included under Additional Characteristics were developed during Covid, as they were important for identifying people considered to be ‘at risk’, and are often subsets of conditions that already exist in the segmentation model, e.g. severe asthma is available in the Additional Characteristics table, and all asthma is a subsegment/condition included in the Long Term Condition segment.
'Active' Cancer
Additional Characteristics
All people with cancer who have undergone chemotherapy in the past 12 months.
Data Definition
All people who have received chemotherapy (recorded as a procedure or ‘reason for care’) in the past 12 months and with cancer recorded, since 2003, during:
- a hospital admission (cancer is recorded either as the reason for admission or as a co-morbidity),
- an outpatient appointment,
- an A&E attendance, or
- a specialist cancer service appointment
Number of Clinical Codes Used
- 132 ICD-10 diagnosis codes
- 32 OPCS diagnosis codes
- 1 SNOMED diagnosis code (applied to ECDS only)
- 21 Service Line diagnosis codes
Data Sources Used
For more information about each of the data sources click here
'Active' Lung Cancer
Additional Characteristics
All people with lung cancer who have undergone chemotherapy or radical radiotherapy in the past 12 months.
Data Definition
All people who have received chemotherapy or radical radiotherapy in the past 12 month (recorded as a procedure or ‘reason for care’) and with lung cancer recorded during:
- a hospital admission (cancer is recorded either as the reason for admission or as a co-morbidity), or
- an outpatient appointment
Number of Clinical Codes Used
- 4 ICD-10 diagnosis codes
- 55 OPCS diagnosis codes
Data Sources Used
For more information about each of the data sources click here
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Additional Characteristics
All people with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder, including Asperger syndrome.
Data Definition
All people with autism spectrum disorder, as defined above, recorded during:
- a hospital admission (recorded either as the reason for admission or as a co-morbidity),
- an outpatient appointment, or
- a specialist inpatient admission
Number of Clinical Codes Used
Data Sources Used
For more information about each of the data sources click here
Blood and Bone Marrow Cancer
Additional Characteristics
All people who have a diagnosis of blood or bone marrow cancer. This includes leukaemia and lymphoma.
Data Definition
All people with blood or bone marrow cancer recorded during:
- a hospital admission (recorded either as the reason for admission or as a co-
morbidity), or - an outpatient appointment
Number of Clinical Codes Used
- 55 ICD-10 diagnosis codes
Data Sources Used
For more information about each of the data sources click here
Blood and Bone Marrow Stem Cell Transplant
Additional Characteristics
All people who have undergone a bone marrow or stem cell transplant.
Data Definition
All people who have had a bone marrow or stem cell transplant procedure recorded during a hospital admission.
Number of Clinical Codes Used
- 1 ICD-10 diagnosis code
- 12 OPCS diagnosis codes
Data Sources Used
For more information about each of the data sources click here
Cerebral Palsy
Additional Characteristics
All people with a clinical diagnosis of cerebral palsy.
Data Definition
All people with cerebral palsy recorded during:
- a hospital admission (recorded either as the reason for admission or as a co-
morbidity), or - an outpatient appointment
Number of Clinical Codes Used
- 1 ICD-10 diagnosis code
- 1 Service Line diagnosis code
Data Sources Used
For more information about each of the data sources click here
Congenital Heart Disease
Additional Characteristics
All people who have a diagnosis of congenital heart disease.
Data Definition
All people with congenital heart disease recorded during:
- a hospital admission (recorded either as the reason for admission or as a co-
morbidity), or - an outpatient appointment
Number of Clinical Codes Used
- 68 ICD-10 diagnosis codes
Data Sources Used
For more information about each of the data sources click here
Down's Syndrome
Additional Characteristics
All people who have a diagnosis of Down’s syndrome.
Data Definition
All people with Down’s syndrome recorded during:
- a hospital admission (recorded either as the reason for admission or as a co-
morbidity), or - an outpatient appointment
Number of Clinical Codes Used
Data Sources Used
For more information about each of the data sources click here
End of Life
Additional Characteristics
All people who are receiving end of life care.
Data Definition
All people with a record of palliative care recorded during:
- a hospital admission (either recorded as a ‘diagnosis’, or as the specialty under
which the person is treated), - an outpatient appointment (either recorded as a ‘diagnosis’, or as the specialty under which the person is treated), or
- care received in the community for end of life care
Number of Clinical Codes Used
- 1 ICD-10 diagnosis code
- 1 OP-SPEC diagnosis code
- 3 CSDS diagnosis codes
- 1 TFC diagnosis code
Data Sources Used
For more information about each of the data sources click here
Additional Characteristics
All people who have a condition or undergone a procedure which reduces their immune function, making them more susceptible to infection, including:
- People with Sickle Cell Disease
- People who have had a splenectomy or problems with their spleen
- People with cancer undergoing chemotherapy in the past 12 months
- People with a blood or bone marrow cancer, or who have undergone a bone marrow/stem cell transplant
- People with rare diseases
- People with sarcoidosis
- People with Down’s syndrome
- People who have had an organ transplant
- People with rheumatoid arthritis
Data Definition
All people with an immunocompromised condition (such as those above) recorded during:
- a hospital admission (recorded either as the reason for admission or as a co-morbidity, or a relevant procedure is recorded such as organ transplant or splenectomy),
- an outpatient appointment,
- an A&E attendance, or
- a specialist cancer appointment
Number of Clinical Codes Used
- 268 ICD-10 diagnosis codes
- 115 OPCS diagnosis codes
- 1 SNOMED diagnosis code (applied to ECDS only)
- 22 Service Line diagnosis codes
Data Sources Used
For more information about each of the data sources click here
Additional Characteristics
All people who are obese (or have a BMI recording of 30 or more).
Data Definition
All people with obesity recorded in the past 3 years, during:
- a hospital admission, or
- an outpatient appointment
Number of Clinical Codes Used
Data Sources Used
For more information about each of the data sources click here
Organ Transplant
Additional Characteristics
All people who have undergone an organ transplant. This includes: heart, liver and kidney transplants.
Data Definition
All people who have had an organ transplant (heart, liver or kidney transplant) procedure recorded during a hospital admission.
Number of Clinical Codes Used
- 8 ICD-10 diagnosis codes
- 58 OPCS diagnosis codes
Data Sources Used
For more information about each of the data sources click here
Other Chronic Neurological Disease
Additional Characteristics
All people with a chronic neurological disease that affects respiratory function, which are not part of the Chronic Neurological Disease subsegment (e.g. hereditary ataxia, post polio syndrome, locked-in syndrome).
Data Definition
All people who had a recording of other chronic neurological disorders (such as those listed above) recorded during:
- a hospital admission (recorded either as the reason for admission or as a co- morbidity), or
- an outpatient appointment
Number of Clinical Codes Used
- 53 ICD-10 diagnosis codes
Data Sources Used
For more information about each of the data sources click here
Other Chronic Respiratory Disease
Additional Characteristics
All people who have a chronic respiratory disease, that makes them more susceptible to respiratory infection (e.g. pneumoconiosis, fibrosis of the lung, interstitial pneumonia).
Data Definition
All people with chronic respiratory disorders (such as those listed above) recorded during:
- a hospital admission (recorded either as the reason for admission or as a co- morbidity), or
- an outpatient appointment
Number of Clinical Codes Used
- 38 ICD-10 diagnosis codes
Data Sources Used
For more information about each of the data sources click here
Pulmonary Embolism
Additional Characteristics
All people who have had a diagnosis or history of pulmonary embolism.
Data Definition
All people who have had a pulmonary embolism recorded during:
- a hospital admission (recorded either as the reason for admission or as a co-
morbidity), or - an outpatient appointment
Number of Clinical Codes Used
Data Sources Used
For more information about each of the data sources click here
Rare Diseases
Additional Characteristics
All people who have a diagnosis of a rare disease or inborn errors of metabolism that significantly increase the risk of infection. This includes immunodeficiencies, metabolic disorders and other disorders effecting the immune mechanism.
Data Definition
All people with a rare disease diagnosis recorded during:
- a hospital admission (recorded either as the reason for admission or as a co-morbidity), or
- an outpatient appointment
Number of Clinical Codes Used
- 26 ICD-10 diagnosis codes
Data Sources Used
For more information about each of the data sources click here
Severe Asthma
Additional Characteristics
All people who have required emergency hospital admission for their asthma, or have eosinophilic asthma.
Data Definition
- All people with asthma recorded as the primary reason for a hospital admission, or
- All people with both asthma and pulmonary eosinophilia recorded during:
- any hospital admission (recorded either as the reason for admission or as a co- morbidity), or
- any outpatient appointment
Number of Clinical Codes Used
- 8 ICD-10 diagnosis codes
- 1 SNOMED diagnosis code (applied to ECDS only)
Data Sources Used
For more information about each of the data sources click here
Spleen Problems
Additional Characteristics
All people whose spleen function has been compromised, including its removal:
- Splenectomy or other operations with splenic involvement (such as biopsy of the spleen)
- Hypo- or hyper-splenism or other diseases of the spleen
Data Definition
All people with spleen problems, as defined above, recorded during:
- a hospital admission (recorded either as the reason for admission or as a co- morbidity, or a relevant procedure is recorded such as splenectomy), or
- an outpatient appointment
Number of Clinical Codes Used
- 11 ICD-10 diagnosis codes
- 13 OPCS diagnosis codes
Data Sources Used
For more information about each of the data sources click here