NHSE Subsegment / Condition Definitions

A national data-driven approach to population segmentation has been developed to support Population Health Management (PHM) outlined in the NHS Long Term Plan. The subsegment and condition definitions in this section provide further detail on the business rules that have been applied to the data sources.

Read more about the background to segmentation, which includes how the project and the Segmentation Dataset output is delivered as part of this initiative.

Maternal Health

Segment: Maternal Health

Subsegment Description

Women are included in this segment during prenatal, delivery and perinatal care.

Data Definition

  • All people who have a record in the Maternity Data from April 2019, with a valid pregnancy start and end date:
    • The start date is derived from the gestation length at birth, or where not available, from the antenatal booking appointment date or the dating ultrasound date
    • The end date can be derived from the caesarean date, labour onset date, decision to deliver date, start date of the delivery episode, discharge date from hospital, death date of the baby, or discharge from maternity services
  • All people who have a maternity record within the SUS APC data from April 2016, with a valid pregnancy start and end date. These are derived from the delivery date and gestation length.
  • People are included in the maternity segment for a maximum of 308 days, unless the end date is based on
    the mother’s discharge from maternity services, in which case this can extend to 400 days.
  • The most recent 3 months will always represent an undercount of people in this segment, whilst awaiting people’s first contact with maternity services during the first trimester.

Number of Clinical Codes Used

  •  N/A

Data Sources Used

Diagram showing that the datasets SUS (APC & OP) and Maternity Data are used in the Maternity Health subsegment.

For more information about each of the data sources click here