NHSE Subsegment / Condition Definitions

A national data-driven approach to population segmentation has been developed to support Population Health Management (PHM) outlined in the NHS Long Term Plan. The subsegment and condition definitions in this section provide further detail on the business rules that have been applied to the data sources.

Read more about the background to segmentation, which includes how the project and the Segmentation Dataset output is delivered as part of this initiative.

End Stage Renal Failure

Segment: Organ Failure

Subsegment Description

All people who have a diagnosis of End Stage Renal Failure (ESRF) including stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), or people with CKD 4 who have had recurrent admissions, who are in the last 5 years of life.

Data Definition

  • All people with an attendance at a specialist service for dialysis or kidney transplant, or
  • All people with ESRF/CKD stage 5 recorded during:
    • a hospital admission (recorded either as the reason for admission or as a co- morbidity, or a relevant procedure is recorded such as dialysis),
    • an outpatient appointment, or
    • an A&E attendance
  • All people with CKD stage 4 who have had 4 or more emergency hospital admissions within the last 12 months

Number of Clinical Codes Used

  • 18 ICD-10 diagnosis codes
  • 27 OPCS procedure codes
  • 3 Service Line codes
  • 30 HRG codes

Data Sources Used

Diagram showing that the datasets SUS (APC & OP), SUS Data (ECDS), and SLAM Data are used in the End Stage Renal Failure subsegment.

For more information about each of the data sources click here

Liver Failure

Segment: Organ Failure

Subsegment Description

All people who have a diagnosis of liver failure (including liver transplant) who are in the last 5 years of life.

Data Definition

  • All people with liver failure recorded during:
    • a hospital admission (liver failure is recorded either as the reason for admission or
      as a co-morbidity, or a relevant procedure is recorded such as liver transplant),
    • an outpatient appointment (diagnosis or relevant procedure recorded), or
    • an attendance at a specialist service for liver transplant
  • All people with Chronic Liver Disease who have also had liver failure symptoms, recorded during a hospital admission or outpatient appointment, such as varices, ascites or malnutrition

Number of Clinical Codes Used

  • 72 ICD-10 diagnosis codes
  • 40 OPCS procedure codes
  • 1 Service Line code

Data Sources Used

Diagram showing that the datasets SUS (APC & OP), and SLAM Data are used in the Liver Failure subsegment.

For more information about each of the data sources click here

Neurological Organ Failure

Segment: Organ Failure

Subsegment Description

All people who have a diagnosis of Motor Neurone Disease (MND), Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s Disease (PD), Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) or Huntington’s Disease whose condition is considered severe due to their symptoms or healthcare needs, and who are in the last 5 years of life.

Data Definition

  • All people with MND, PSP, or Huntington’s disease recorded during a hospital admission (either as the reason for admission or as a co-morbidity) or outpatient appointment
  • All people with Multiple Sclerosis recorded during a hospital admission (either as the reason for admission or as a co-morbidity) or outpatient appointment, who also meet one of the following criteria:
    • Experience dysphagia (recorded during a hospital admission or outpatient appointment)
    • Experience dysarthria or anarthria (recorded during a hospital admission or outpatient appointment)
    • Receive end of life care (in the community or in hospital)
    • Have a diagnosis of dementia (recorded during a hospital admission, outpatient appointment, A&E attendance, or a mental health service appointment or admission a mental health service appointment or Organ Failure admission including for ‘Improving Access to Psychological Therapies’ services)
  • All people with Parkinson’s Disease recorded during a hospital admission (either as the reason for admission or as a co-morbidity) or outpatient appointment, or during a referral to community services for their PD care, who also meet one of the following criteria:
    • Had severe PD symptoms such as hallucinations, recorded during a hospital admission or outpatient appointment,
    • Had 2 or more hospital admissions where a fall is recorded within 6 months
    • Are resident in a care home (recorded during a hospital admission as the admission source)
    • Have intermediate or high risk of frailty (based on the Hospital Frailty Risk Score)
    • Have a diagnosis of depression, serious mental illness, or dementia (recorded during a hospital admission, outpatient appointment, A&E attendance, or a mental health service appointment or admission including for ‘Improving Access to Psychological Therapies’ services)
    • Receive end of life care (in the community or in hospital)

Number of Clinical Codes Used

  • 125 ICD-10 diagnosis codes
  • 3 SNOMED diagnosis codes (applied to ECDS only)
  • 12 Care Cluster codes

Data Sources Used

Diagram showing that the datasets SUS (APC & OP), SUS Data (ECDS),Mental Health Data (Inc IAPT), and Community Data, are used in the Neurological Organ Failure subsegment.

For more information about each of the data sources click here

Severe COPD

Segment: Organ Failure

Subsegment Description

All people with a diagnosis of COPD, whose condition is considered severe due to their symptoms or healthcare needs and in the last 5 years of life.

Severe COPD is defined using a number of evidence-based criteria from the Global Initiative of Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD), NICE and the Gold Standards Framework (GSF).

Data Definition

All people with COPD recorded during a hospital admission (either as the reason for admission or as a co-morbidity), outpatient appointment or A&E attendance, and meet one of the following criteria:

  • had 2 or more emergency hospital admissions for their COPD in the last 12 months,
  • an emergency hospital admission for respiratory failure or that required a critical care intervention (such as for non-invasive ventilation), or
  • are receiving end of life care (in the community or in hospital)

Number of Clinical Codes Used

  • 51 ICD-10 diagnosis codes
  • 2 OPCS procedure codes
  • 2 SNOMED diagnosis codes (applied to ECDS only)
  • 7 HRG codes
  • 2 Treatment Function codes

Data Sources Used

Diagram showing that the datasets SUS (APC & OP), SUS Data (ECDS), and Community Data, are used in the Severe COPD subsegment.

For more information about each of the data sources click here

Severe Heart Failure

Segment: Organ Failure

Subsegment Description

All people with a diagnosis of heart failure, whose condition is considered severe due to their symptoms or healthcare needs, and in the last 5 years of life.

Severe heart failure is defined using a number of evidence-based criteria from the New York Heart Association (NYHA) and the Gold Standards Framework (GSF).

Data Definition

All people with heart failure recorded during a hospital admission (either as the reason for admission or as a co-morbidity), outpatient appointment, or A&E attendance, and that meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • aged less than 75 years with 3 or more emergency hospital admissions for heart failure or a heart failure related condition in the last 6 months
  • aged 75 years and over with 1 or more emergency hospital admission for heart failure or a heart failure related condition, or
  • are receiving end of life care (in the community or in hospital)

Number of Clinical Codes Used

  • 14 ICD-10 diagnosis codes
  • 22 OPCS procedure codes
  • 10 SNOMED diagnosis codes (applied to ECDS only)
  • 1 Service Line code

Data Sources Used

Diagram showing that the datasets SUS (APC & OP), SUS Data (ECDS), and Community Data, are used in the Severe Heart Failure subsegment.

For more information about each of the data sources click here

Severe Interstitial Lung Disease

Segment: Organ Failure

Subsegment Description

All people with a diagnosis of pulmonary fibrosis, and in the last 5 years of life.

Data Definition

All people with pulmonary fibrosis recorded during:

  • a hospital admission (recorded either as the reason for admission or as
    a co-morbidity), or
  • an outpatient appointment

Number of Clinical Codes Used

  • 1 ICD-10 diagnosis code

Data Sources Used

Diagram showing that the dataset SUS (APC & OP) is used in the Severe Interstitial Lung Disease subsegment.

For more information about each of the data sources click here