Outcomes Library

for Whole System Integrated Care
A long list of outcome measures grouped by population segment,
that can be used to build local Outcomes Frameworks

Outcomes Explorer

The OBH Outcomes Explorer tool enables users to view all outcomes in the Outcomes Library, and forms part of the OBH Outcomes Platform suite of technology solutions.

The Outcomes Explorer provides additional background information for each outcome, including:

  • Outcome descriptions, numerator and denominator definitions
  • Rationale for measurement
  • Considerations (such as potential for ambiguity, time to impact, impact on care pathway)
  • Data requirements

The Explorer enables working group leads to create longlists of outcomes specific to their care pathways. Local stakeholders, including patients, can:

  • Vote on the most important outcomes that matter to them to prioritise the list
  • Configure outcomes to align with local priorities
  • Select a shortlist of outcomes to form local Outcomes Frameworks

To build a local Outcomes Framework, select a smaller number of
outcomes from this outcomes library, which match key local priorities.

OBH have more outcomes available:

  • Condition-Specific Clinical and Social Outcomes: These are available through OBH’s online Outcome Explorer tool
  • Personal Outcomes: These are typically measured using PROM (Patient-Reported Outcome Measurement) tools. OBH have PROMs Guides available for population segments that can be used to map against locally-defined Personal Outcomes.-

Outcomes Library

OBH’s library of outcome measures have been fully developed and validated, either by OBH, or else derived from an existing national source, for use at a local level. These outcomes are measured using local data from different care settings, to produce near real-time, monthly reporting.

Outcomes available are specific to the following locally configurable core population segments, as well as whole population measures. So every individual in the population is accounted for in outcome measurement.

The library contains Clinical and Social Outcome Measures (CSOMs), where existing linked, local data from administrative and clinical systems across multiple care settings, are used.

Where OBH have developed outcome measures, a robust, evidence-based, development process has been undertaken:

  • All outcome measures have been built with key stakeholder involvement including patients, carers and health professionals
  • Rigorous testing is applied to ensure all measures are technically validated, clinically appropriate and person-centred
  • Each outcome has a rationale, numerator and denominator description, detailed further considerations and a data specification
  • All measures, when improved, would make a meaningful difference to people’s lives

All outcomes are available with appropriate risk-adjustment and filters for key characteristics such as age, gender, deprivation, and other outcome-specific features. Historical data can be provided for up to the last 5 years.

The outcomes available in OBH’s Outcomes Library are categorised by segment. Click through the segments below to view outcomes available for selection.

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Whole Population (all segments)

Outcomes Library Whole population outcomes


Outcomes Library HEALTHSPAN outcomes

Healthy / Generally Well Population

Outcomes library Healthy / Generally Well outcomes

People with Long-Term Conditions (LTCs)

Outcomes Library Long Term Condition outcomes

People with a Learning or Physical Disability

Outcomes Library Disability outcomes

People at the End of Life

Outcomes Library End of Life outcomes

People with Organ Failure

Outcomes Library Organ Failure outcomes

People with Frailty and/or Dementia

Outcomes Library Frailty and Dementia outcomes