Segmentation Analytics

The first essential step of outcomes measurement is population segmentation. Segmentation categorises populations according to their health and care needs, priorities, and circumstances. To optimise health outcomes, patient experience, efficiency, and care costs, care delivery systems should respond to the needs of different population segments in different ways. It is therefore essential to understand your population segments in detail. OBH undertakes in-depth segmentation analytics to give real insight into your population.

Back to PHM and Segmentation

OBH‘s approach to segmentation is based on the Bridges to Health model (Lynn et al. 2007). This model is a fundamentally person-focussed approach, with the principal goal of ‘pursuing the health of each population segment’. Unlike some approaches, this model doesn’t view each health condition as a separate segment. Being care setting agnostic, the model lends itself well to meaningful population outcomes measurement, reporting and incentivisation (see part 2). The Bridges to Health model contains eight segments (see above).

There are many further options for more in-depth segment,
health inequality, and neighbourhood profiles.


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